City Car Driving, 3D Instructor - Logitech G27 | Career Mode | Steering Wheel, feet, clutch, manual.

2017-10-09 1

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Hey there! So this is finally my attempt at career mode in this game and I sucked or the game sucked! I dont understand shit about the confusing Russian traffic laws apparently because theyre SHIT!\r
How to correctly setup City Car Driving:\r
City Car Driving v1.2.5 CAR MODS PACK new! TUTORIAL & DOWNLOAD!:\r
FacetrackNoIR (\r
Steering/Racing wheel: Logitech G27 (including H-shifter and pedals w/ clutch)\r
Camera: Nikon P510\r
Screen: 25,5 fujitsu siemens.\r
GPU: Asus Geforce ENGTX 460 DirectCU TOP 1GB (Fory Overclocked)\r
CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 965 3,4Ghz\r
RAM: 8GB XMS3 Corsair DDR3\r
Power supply: Only 400W, but apparently it works!\r
Intro by Ravenprodesign, edited by me.\r
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. Disclaimer: This YouTube video supports the game developers by encouraging viewers to buy it. No Copyright infringement intended. broburga bro burga